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Animal Kingdoms Phyla And Diversity

Animal Kingdom's Phyla and Diversity

Phyla Division

The animal kingdom, also known as Animalia, has been classified into numerous phyla, each representing a distinct group of animals based on their shared characteristics. As of now, there are 32 recognized phyla, each with unique evolutionary adaptations and diverse members.

Arthropods' Dominance

Amongst these phyla, Arthropoda holds the distinction of being the most populous group, accounting for an estimated 85 percent of all known species on Earth. Arthropods are characterized by their segmented bodies, jointed appendages, and external skeletons. They exhibit remarkable diversity, ranging from tiny insects like ants to massive crustaceans like lobsters.


The Animalia kingdom's intricate organization into phyla reflects the astonishing variety of life forms that inhabit our planet. From the segmented bodies of arthropods to the complex structures of vertebrates, each phylum unveils a unique aspect of the animal kingdom's evolutionary journey. As scientists continue to unravel the mysteries of these diverse groups, they provide us with valuable insights into the intricacies of the natural world.
